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Friday, November 11, 2011

18 Cell Phone Security Tips to Protect You Against Identity and Information Theft

In this world of information and identity th3ft it is no more a privilege to use a cool cell phoneand brag about it too! In past, crooks used to require more physical ways to lay their hands on your hard earned money. But with the advancement of technology and the prevalence of electronic transactions, now it is just a matter of wrong steps (plethora of information being conveyed in private conversations being conducted publicly or retrieve the data stored in mobile phones) before you would find your money vanished from your a/c and you would have lost your identity too!
In light of all these facts and potential threats, it is imperative to take concrete defensive action safeguarding your personal information. It can be difficult to sacrifice convenience for safety, but it is a necessity in these electronic times. Remember, it only takes seconds for your personal information to be transmitted to a criminal network. And it takes an experienced cyber-criminalmuch less time to steal your identity, resources, and good name than it took you to establish them.
Use this list to help you protect your information in this cellular world:
1. Make sure you know the make and model of your phone, the phone number, the serial/IMEI number, the PIN number and the descriptive details of the phone including color, shape, size and identifying features. Taking a picture of your phone is helpful. Staple the picture to a sheet of paper with the details noted above. If your cell phone is ever stolen, the police will need this information to help with their investigation.
Cell Phone Security 18 Tips to Protect Your Phone
2. Contact the network with whom you have service as soon as you realize your cell phone has been stolen. Ask that they block your phone across all networks so service cannot be obtained with another provider.
3. Use the PIN or security lock code option available with your phone to lock your phone when it is not in use. This will keep your valuable personal information safe from a th1ef who gains access to your phone.
4. A limited number of phones have a remote lock capability. If your cell phone has that option, familiarize yourself with how to do it and set up your phone for it. The feature will allow you to lock your cell phone and your memory card.
5. Use an ultraviolet marker to place a security mark on your cell phone and battery. It is recommended that you use two numbers of significance to you. Do NOT use an account or PIN number. You can use your zip code, your house number, a lucky number.
6. Clear your text messages and calendar entries as soon as possible. Entries of significance or sentimental value can be forwarded to your home email and printed out or stored on your computer’s hard drive.______________________________________________________
7. Never elect to have passwords saved on your device or to stay logged on to your accounts from your cellular phone. Though it may save you a few precious seconds, it can cause you significant harm which will require a substantial amount of the time you cannot afford to waste.
8. Allowing your browser history to be saved for lengthy periods of time can offer some useful information to a savvy th1ef.  Make sure your settings are such that eliminate the history as quickly as allowed. Let your home computer be the place you store that type of information if you must.
9. Protect your friends and families from identity th3ft. Do not keep comprehensive contact information stored in your phone. Imagine the harm that could befall your loved ones if you were to have their names, birthdates, email addresses, and relationship to you saved for anyone to see.
10. When engaged in a conversation in public, do not readily reveal personal data. If it is required, save the conversation for a time when you are in private. If the phone cal cannot wait and you must provide this type of information only do so if you have access to a secure area which limits the potential for strangers to overhear.
11. Don’t leave your phone out when it isnt’ in use. No point in making a th1ef’s job easy, is there? Keep your cell phone away whenever possible.
12. Register your cell phone with The National Mobile Property Register. This will make the process of getting your phone returned to you easier for the police. Report your cell phone missing, lost, or stolen as soon as you notice it.
13. Do NOT leave your phone visible in the car when you leave it there. Half of all cell phone th3fts occur in vehicles.
14. Do NOT open texts from unknown or unfamiliar sources. These could be malicious software waiting to steal your information or encouraging you to visit a particular website with the intent of retrieving certain information.
15. Report suspicious activity or issues with service immediately. Overage charges could be caused by malware texts or by someone gaining access to your service and using to attack other people.
16. Avoid using downloadable software unless it is from a trusted source or has been deemed acceptable by a trusted source.
17. Disable remote capabilities when they are not in use to limit the opportunity for information being retrieved in that manner.
18. Encrypt your information if you must keep it on your cell phone. Some devices offer the option to encrypt files or the software to do it.

Top 10 All Time BEST Hidden Google Easter Eggs, Pranks, Goofs

There are a number of gags, pranks, goofs and hidden messages within the search engine giant, Google, which are popularly called as Easter Eggs. For instance, the Google “do a barrel roll” search caught plenty of attention this week — but it’s only one of many Easter eggs the Internet giant has hidden around the Web.
We had earlier compiled a list of awesome Google Search tricks and we had discovered how to Convert Google Translate Into a Beatbox Machine. We also saw that searching for the phrase “do a barrel roll” became a viral sensation last week, when users found about it and posted tweets and blog posts. Hence, if you liked “do a barrel roll” Easter egg, then I’m sure you would love these top 10 best hidden Google Easater Eggs as well.

Beyond Do a Barrel Roll: 10 Hidden Google Easter Eggs and Tricks

1. Do a Barrel Roll:

Google users were delighted recently by the discovery of a new Search trick, “do a barrel roll“. Just go to, type in “do a barrel roll” (or “z or r twice”), and your whole screen will spin around. The phrase is associated with the Nintendo 64 game “Star Fox”—one of the game’s characters, Peppy Hare, would tell the player to “Do a barrel roll” with an on screen text display (to press z or r buttons twice!). According to Urban Dictionary, “do a barrel roll” is what you say when someone asks you for important advice in their life.


2. Askew:

Type the word “askew” in Google’s search box and voila! This is more like a command which tilts your search results slightly towards the right. It’s pointless, but it’s all fun.

3. Answer to the Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything:

Ask Google the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything and, in a tribute to “A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” you’ll get the number 42.

4. Steve Irwin Wrestling With a Crocodile (or is that an Alligator)?

If you spin round to the waterfront side of the Sydney Opera House in Australia in Google 3D Warehouse, you’ll find a model of the late wildlife expert and adventurer Steve Irwin wrestling a crocodile.

5. Google Gravity:

Tired of Google being so weightless all the time? The Google Gravity chrome experiment by Mr. Doob is amusing–especially since the search page still works, with new search results piling up.  Bring Google down to Earth by entering “Google gravity” and clicking “I’m Feeling Lucky“. Once the search bar, buttons and logo have collapsed into a heap at the bottom of the page, you can toss them around the page by clicking, dragging and releasing them.

6. Recursion:

Self-reference is just the sort of mathematical amusement that entertains Google engineers . Searching for “recursion” suggests that perhaps you meant to search for “recursion.” If you click Google’s suggestion, a new page will load, but “Did you mean: recursion” will remain at the at the top of the results list.

7. Google Earth Flight Simulator:

Google has this very interesting Easter egg hidden in Google Earth. Using the flight simulator, you can fly around the globe in Google Earth by simply pressing Ctrl + Alt + A. This activates the flight simulator and allows you to fly an F-16 fighter jet anywhere in the world. This, however, was originally inserted as an Easter egg but now has become one of the official features of Google Earth.

8. Play ‘Snake’ In YouTube Videos:

If you open a YouTube video, click in the frame right after the video starts loading, then press the Up+Left arrows simultaneously you can enjoy a game of “Snake” over the YouTube video.

9. Google Anagram:

Search the word ‘anagram’ in Google and it will display ‘Did you mean: nag a ram‘ on top of the search results page. If you are wondering what could that strange term (nag a ram) mean then it is an anagram of the word ‘anagram’!

10. ‘What Is The Loneliest Number’ and More Google Calculator Fun Answers

Search for “What is the loneliest number” and Google’s calculator will tell you that it is “1″. The calculator returns the same answer when you search “the number of horns on a unicorn.” as well.
Similarly, search for “baker’s dozen” and the calculator returns “13.” Searching “once in a blue moon” yields a comically small number.
NOTE: To try some of these hidden Google Easter Eggs out, you’ll have to switch off Google’s Instant Search in your settings, so you can access the I’m feeling lucky button. Also, for some of these hidden Google Easter Eggs to work, you’ll probably have to use a browser that supports HTML 5 technology. At least Firefox 3 or IE7, Chrome and Firefox 4 are automatically up-to-date.