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Thursday, May 17, 2012

5 Common Online Marketing Spelling and Grammar Mistakes

Grammar and spelling mistakes are very common, and with the rise in shortened ‘text speak’, becoming even more so. The English language is made up of a lot of words that are really difficult to spell, but a lot of mistakes are simple to fix once you know what you did wrong.
The same can be said of grammar. Common grammar issues like “you’re” and “your” are easy to learn, it just takes a little time.
That’s not the only mistake you’ll see when reading, or maybe make when writing yourself. You could be writing for the web, either for a blog or as part of an online marketing strategy. You might be writing a novel or reviewing a product. Regardless, good grammar not only makes you appear more intelligent but it flows better when read back too.
In an effort to reduce these annoying little slip ups, here are five commonspelling and grammar mistakes you need to stop making now:

1# Recurrent misspellings

Even those who think they know all the tricks of grammar can get fooled by this one. A lot of people tend to write it as “alot” which isn’t a word.

2# There, Their and They’re

They all sound the same when read out loud, but have a separate meaning. It looks confusing at first, but it’s simple to learn the difference.
“Their” signifies possession. It’d work in a sentence like “It’s their house.”
“They’re” means “They are”. If “are” wouldn’t fit behind “They” in your sentence, “They’re” isn’t the one you’re looking for.
Finally, “There” is best used when talking about a position. “I’m going there” or “It’s over there”.

3# You’re and Your

This one is equally as common as the one above. “You’re” and “your” are often seen mixed up, but it’s easy to work out which is which once you know the difference.
“You’re” works the same as “They’re”; it stands for “You are”. “You’re getting better at grammar” works, because you could easily swap out “You’re” with “You are”.
“Your” is for possession. “Your book” means that you own the book, so “Your” is the correct word.

4# Using an apostrophe

An apostrophe is great when it’s used right. Often, when people want to put an “s” on the end of a word then they’ll put an apostrophe before it. This is sometimes right, but often not.
You should use an apostrophe in two cases only.
It shows possession of something; “Company’s employees” shows that the employees belong to the company.
The other use is for contractions, and you can see it in the points above. You can use an apostrophe on “You are” to make it “You’re”, just like you can on “They’re.”
Often, you’ll see “it’s” written where it shouldn’t be. “It’s” is contracted from “it is” or “it has” and can be used in place of them. “Its” should be used all other times.

5# Literally

“Literally” is a great word used wrongly far too often. It’s often misunderstood and people use it where it doesn’t make sense.
“Literally” means exactly to the point. Using “literally” in a sentence describing an event means that event happened exactly as you explained with no exaggeration.
When someone says “I literally died because I was laughing so hard” then they’re implying that they’re dead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, this one is good, gonna use for another sport but i think it'll be just as good, BIG thanks :)