Facebook likes can only do so much for a webpage, and when they’re not even real ones you can’t call them true engagement. Nor will any web search engine results, for that matter.
So that has us scratching our heads over the utility of a site called Like Fake, which generates code that you can put on your own website to make it look like more people have given you the thumbs up than is really the case.
Simply input the number of likes you want your website to have, click the button and presto: a fake like tally you can put on your site.
Adding the resulting block of code to your webpage doesn’t have the same effect as a real Facebook plugin for the like button. On the social network itself, your real like count won’t change.
This is a vanity site at best — no attempt to make money on the thumbs up copyright appears here — so we’re not sure whether Facebook’s legal department might tell Like Fake to take a hike. What do you think, readers?

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