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Friday, November 11, 2011

Apple releases a fix for Iphone battery problems

FLOGGER OF SHINY TOYS Apple has released a software fix for phones running its IOS 5 operating system that promises to fix the battery problems its users are experiencing.

Battery issues showed up shortly after Apple released its IOS 5 mobile operating system update and started to make Apple's handsets look bad. The situation is reminiscent of the Antennagate problems that affected the Iphone 4, but this time, rather than denying and finger-pointing, Apple has just got on with sorting it out.

The IOS 5.0.1 software Update "Fixes bugs affecting battery life" according to its release notes, but some users have already hit Apple's discussion boards to complain that this is not the case.

One user wrote, "Updated about 1.5 hours ago, battery has drained 20% since then with no usage! This is awful!" Another said, "Upgraded to 5.0.1 this morning. Still draining at the exact same rate. Unplugged with a full charge 2 1/2 hours ago, and already down to 80% with light usage. Just lost 2% during a 15 minute shower. I see no difference at all."

It took Apple around four days to acknowledge the problem initially, another four days to reveal that it was working on a fix, and the same time to release that fix. Perhaps it will react to these fresh complaints more quickly, otherwise it might start to drain users, nevermind battery power.

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