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Sunday, September 11, 2011

America honours 9/11 victims with solemn ceremonies

President Barack Obama walks past a reflecting pool near the bronze-etched names of the victims of the terrorist attack 10 years ago with his wife Michelle, and former President George W Bush and his wife, Laura

The solemn ceremony at the site of the World Trade Centre came amid a heavy security presence permeating the area in lower Manhattan, as authorities continued their search for possible plotters of another terrorist strike.
At the ceremony, Obama and the first lady stood behind bullet-proof protection. Former President George W. Bush, who was president at the time, read a letter sent by Abraham Lincoln to a woman who lost five sons in the Civil War.

Those who lost loved ones in the attacks stepped forward to read out their names. 

The city observed another moment of silence at 9.03 a.m., when United Airlines Flight 175 struck the South Tower. 

More than 200 miles away in Washington, mourners observed a moment of silence at 9.37 a.m. -- the moment American Airlines Flight 77 struck the Pentagon and killed 184 people.

People paid their respects for their loved ones, who were lost during the attack ten years ago, during the National September 11 Memorial to mark the 10th anniversary of the attacks.

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